How are you feeling today?
Explore your emotions by clicking on the
Feelings Wheel
Take a moment to connect with yourself by exploring the Feelings Wheel.
It's a simple yet powerful tool designed to help you identify and understand your emotions better.
Click on the Wheel, and let it guide you through the colorful spectrum of feelings.
Selected feelings
You never want to make your emotions wrong.
The idea that anything you feel is "wrong" is a great way to destroy honest communication with yourself as well as with others.
Be thankful that there’s a part of your brain that is sending you a signal of support, a call to action to make a change in either your perception of some aspect of your life or in your actions.
- What would I have to believe in order to feel the way I’ve been feeling?
- What am I willing to do to create a solution and handle this right now?
- What do I really want to feel?
- What can I learn from this?
You want to feel certain that you can handle this emotion easily in the future by having a great plan to do so.
One way to do this is to simply remember the ways you’ve handled it in the past and rehearse handling situations where this emotion would come up in the future.
See, hear, and feel yourself handling the situation easily.
- Tony Robbins
Feeling overwhelmed?
some Box Breathing?